Medical Support 2021 to Date

Roller Derby – a fast paced action packed event with lots of pushing, shoving and falls.

The COVID pandemic shutdowns meant the Brigade’s medical team had little to do for the last year and a half. Fall 2021 changed that with lifting of lockdowns and resumption of some team sporting events. The Brigade was requested to provide support for the High School football games and a roller derby event at the Los Alamos Ice Rink.

Brigade EMT’s provided support for three of the four home football games. Fortunately injuries were minor. Feedback from one of the doctors that is often at the games was positive and he appreciated our help especially when assisting the opposing team.

Another event we are often asked to help with is roller derby. The Los Alamos Derby Dames is the local team for adult women and the Los Alamos Cherry Bombs are the youth league. The league is a tax exempt 501(c)(4) organization that not only provides a venue for growth of women’s sports but also works with local groups and causes with time and money. Their rules require a medical person on standby in order to have a bout.

————————Report from Linda Fluke below———————

Los Alamos Auxiliary Fire Brigade provided medical support for a roller derby event at the Los Alamos ice skating rink on October 2 2021. The event was a scrimmage played between different units of the Los Alamos team. The players ranged in age from 9 to 19 years old.

The Los Alamos team played three one-hour games that included Levels 1, 2 and 3; for beginners to advanced  players.

Roller derby is a fast contact sport where the players skate fast, shove each other and fall a lot.  Many Injuries are prevented as players wear safety helmets, elbow pads and knee pads.

Three of our EMTs administered medical care to ten players. All injuries were minor and two of these were medical. A few players were told by derby officials, EMTs and parents to sit out the rest of the game.

What a fun and exciting event for all!